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ESF 2 Information Technology Division Washington Military Department

Washington Emergency
Communications Coordination
Working Group (WECCWG)


To forge and strengthen our public, private and tribal partnerships to enhance emergency communications statewide.


A community of professionals working together to provide reliable and resilient emergency communications throughout Washington state in times of crisis. Learn more about us from this brochure and watch clips of our conversation with Gov. Jay Inslee.


1. Understand the threats we face in Washington state

  • Natural (Earthquake, Wildfires, Wind and Ice Storms, Flooding, Avalanche, Landslide, Volcano, Tornado, Tsunami)
  • Technological (Cyber, Hazardous Materials, Pipelines, Public Health, Terrorism, Urban Fire, Dam Safety, Public Events, Outages)

2. Know one another

  • Establish and maintain active relationships
  • Understand the capabilities and limitations of what each entity provides to the larger picture
  • Strive to know our interdependencies
  • Identify and understand private, tribal and public sector response priorities & timelines
  • Know who, how and when to call
  • Develop the expectations and ability to share situational awareness among partners

3. Plan and exercise together

  • Prepare partners with realistic scenarios and expectations
  • Figure out interoperability challenges before disasters strike
  • Overcome information sharing challenges
  • Identify/establish and refine policies, guidelines and/or agreements for companies, governments and tribes to work together

4. Establish and maintain Washington state ESF 2 roster

  • Document our experts, how to reach them and when/where they will be needed
  • Ensure all partners understand ICS/NIMS and ESF 2 
  • Recommend trainings and job aids
  • Ensure all partners understand activation levels, procedures and limitations for various EOCs/ECCs
  • Review/update the CEMP, ESF 2 Annex and other public communication documents

5. Seek out and engage other contributors

  • Routinely identify other contributors
  • Provide opportunities for expanded participation
  • Recruit other participants
  • Market and showcase WECCWG

Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Camp Murray, WA

Prior Meetings

Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020
Building 109, Camp Murray, WA
Public and Private Coordination during a Disaster

Wednesday and Thursday, August 14-15, 2019
Spokane, WA
Agenda (PDF)

Thursday, May 9, 2019 – WECCWG
Ferndale, WA
Theme: CBRND (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Disasters)

Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019 
Vancouver, WA

Theme: Volcanoes
Agenda (PDF)

Thursday, Sep. 27, 2018
Ellensburg, WA
Public Alert and Warning
Agenda (Word)
Presentations (Zip File)

Thursday, May 10, 2018
Federal Way, WA

Theme: Catastrophic Planning
Agenda (PDF)
Presentations (Zip File)

Feb. 1, 2018
Ocean Shores, WA
Theme: Earthquake/Tsunami
Presentations (Zip File)

Sept. 28, 2017
Richland, WA
Theme: Radiological Hazard
Presentations(Zip File)

May 11, 2017
Spokane, WA
Theme: Wildfires
Presentations (Zip File)

Feb. 2, 2017
Seattle, WA
Theme: Cyber
Presentations (Zip File)

Sept. 28, 2016
Tacoma, WA
Presentations (Zip File)