Looking to create your own plan? We have online resources available to help tribal, local, and state emergency planners and other parties responsible for developing emergency plans including Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans. Happy to take your questions, as well.
All documents below are PDFs unless specifically noted.
Washington State Comprehensive Emergency
Management Plan
- Washington Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) (2024 - updated to reflect new TAG)
- ESF1 Transportation (2024)
- ESF 2 Communications (2021)
- ESF 3 Public Works and Engineering (2009)
- ESF 4 Firefighting (2011)
- ESF 5 Emergency Management (2017)
- ESF 6 Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Temporary Housing and Human Services (2025)
- ESF 7 Logistics Management & Resource Support (2018)
- Distribution Management Plan (2021)
- Appendix 1: Reception and Integration (2018)
- Appendix 2: State Staging Areas (2013)
- Appendix 3: Movement Control (2013)
- ESF 8 Public Health, Medical and Mortuary Services (2015)
- ESF 9 Search and Rescue (2021)
- ESF 10 Hazardous Materials (2009)
- ESF 11 Agriculture and Natural Resources (2017)
- Appendix 2: State Animal Response Plan (2017)
- Appendix 3: State Plant Health Response Plan (2017)
- Appendix 4: State Food and Feed Emergency Response Plan (2017)
- Appendix 5: Protection of Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources (2018)
- ESF 12 Energy (2020)
- ESF 13 Public Safety, Law Enforcement & Security (2019)
- ESF 14 Long Term Recovery (2023)
- ESF 15 External Affairs (2021)
- Appendix 1: Communicating with Limited English Proficient Populations (2016)
- LEP Communication Planning Framework (2018)
- LEP Appendix Planning Template (2023, Word document)
- LEP Communication Planning Framework (2018)
- Appendix 1: Communicating with Limited English Proficient Populations (2016)
- ESF 20 Defense Support to Civil Authorities (2019)
Catastrophic Incident Planning
- Statewide Catastrophic Planning Team (SCIPT)
- Catastrophic Incident Planning Framework – Version 1 (2017)
- Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP)
- The Regional Resiliency Assessment Program for Washington State Transportation (2019)
- Washington State Airports Seismic Resilience Project (2021)
Catastrophic Incident Annex (CIA)
- CIA Base Plan
- CIA Tab A: Critical Transportation
- CIA Tab B: Mass Care Services
- CIA Tab C: Infrastructure Systems
- CIA Tab D: Public Health, Healthcare, and EMS (Not Available Yet)
- CIA Tab E: Fatality Management (Not Available Yet)
- CIA Tab F: Operational Coordination
- CIA Tab G: Situational Assessment
- CIA Tab H: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- CIA Tab I: Operational Communications
- CIA Appendix 1: Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ)
- CIA Appendix 2: Executive Summary
Hazard Specific Plans
- Cyber Attack:
- Fire:Washington State Fire Marshal Web link to Fire Services Resource Mobilization Plan
- Radiological:Washington State Fixed Nuclear Facility Plan (2024)
- Hazardous Materials
- Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan Template (2011) (Word)
- ESF 10 - Oil and Hazardous Materials Response Template (2011) (Word)
- Northwest Area Contingency Plan (2011)
FEMA Region 10 Plans
- FEMA Region 10 All-Hazards Plan (2020)
- FEMA Region 10 Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) Earthquake and Tsunami Plan (2022)
Hazard Identification/Vulnerability and Mitigation Planning/Assessment
Homeland Security
- National Response Framework (NRF)
- Homeland Security Presidential Directive Resources
Mass Care
- High Risk/Medical Needs Shelter Planning Template (2008)
- State Emergency Repatriation Plan Version 1.02 (SERP) (2020)
Communications Plans
- Washington Statewide AMBER Alert Plan (2022)
- National Traffic System Radiogram (2002)
- Telecommunications Service Priority Plan (Word)
- Logistics Communications Unit / RACES Plan (PDF)
- OSCCR Plan (2005) (Word)
- Washington Integrated Public Alert & Warning System WAPAWS (2022)
- Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) (2024)
Integrated Preparedness Plan
- Washington State Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) (2024-2026)