Washington Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC)
This page is provided to enable Washington’s private sector business communities the ability to find available online and in-person training opportunities, Public Sector links and resources and emergency preparedness information useful to all Private Sector partners interested in enhancing their businesses resiliency through developing or improving continuity plans, elevating emergency planning knowledge and finding out the upcoming emergency management and preparedness events and opportunities in your area and across the state.
FEMA established the National Business Emergency Operations Center (NBEOC) and set forth the example for states to create their own BEOC. Not all states have a BEOC. The ones that have a BEOC have varying degrees of capability and operate with varying platforms.
These are hyperlinks to FEMA’s NBEOC and some BEOCs in the U.S. for your perusal:
- FEMA NBEOC: National Business Emergency Operations Center
- California BEOC: Business & Utility Operations Center
- North Carolina BEOC: Re-entry Registration | Ready NC
- Louisiana BEOC: Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center
- Utah Ready: Be Ready Utah
BEOC Dashboard
When the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) is activated, the BEOC Dashboard will also be activated to support two-way communication, enhanced coordination and constant and accurate information sharing to find solutions to meet emergency resource needs at the local level.
BEOC Dashboard BEOC Passcode: WABEOC24
Washington Department of Transportation
NOAA/NWS: National Weather Service
Department of Commerce
Department of Ecology