Other Radio Systems Used by EMD

Mobile Emergency Response System (MERS), The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Operations Net, a VHF high-band system primarily used by FEMA MERS for communicating with FEMA personnel. For EMD purposes, this net is used as a secondary capability for communicating with FEMA Region X and MERS Operations located in Bothell, Washington.

FEMA National Radio System (FNARS), an HF system primarily used by FEMA for inter and intra-state communications between FEMA Headquarters, FEMA regions and the States during national and/or regional emergencies, particularly when land line systems are impaired or restricted. An FNARS HF transmitter/receiver, a 1000 Watt Collins radio, was installed by FEMA in the State EOC.

State Area Command (STARC) net, an HF system primarily used by the Washington National Guard for intra-state emergency communications between Headquarters, STARC in Camp Murray and each Army/Air National Guard armory/station. It is also used by the guard for interstate communications with other National Guard units. For EMD purposes, this net is to be used as a secondary capability for communicating with local jurisdictions and deployed National Guard units.

The Emergency Management Division also has access for emergency purposes, to VHF systems operated by the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Other Frequencies Utilized

The following frequencies are identified for the use as stated. Approval and authorization by the agency identified is needed prior to being used.

On-Scene Command and Coordination (OSCCR) 156.135 MHz Washington State Emergency Management Division (EMD)
Search and Rescue (SAR) 155.160 MHz
Washington State Emergency Management Division (EMD)
State Fire Control Channel - REDNET/FIRECOM 153.830 MHz Washington State Fire Chiefs Association (WSFCA)
National Law Enforcement Emergency Channel (NLEEC) 155.475 MHz Washington State Patrol (WSP)
Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio (HEAR) 155.340 MHz or 155.280 MHz Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Medical Emergency Delivery Network (MEDNET) 462.950 MH and 468.175 MHz
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

OSCCR: Primarily used by public-safety agencies, "on-scene" at an event/incident, for command and coordination of activities between agencies. OSCCR can only be employed in the simplex mode via mobile and/or handheld equipment. For further information and/or obtain authorization for its use contact the EMD Telecommunications Section at: 253.512.7036 or e-mail Robert Purdom at Robert.Purdom@mil.wa.gov.

SAR: Primarily used by Search and Rescue organizations for coordinating operations between SAR units. Can only be employed in the simplex mode via mobile and/or handheld equipment. Authorization for all federal, state, local and private entities actively involved in SAR operations or training can be found at SAR Frequency Authorization Letter (PDF). For further information and/or to obtain authorization for its use contact the EMD Telecommunications Section at: 253.512.7036 or e-mail Robert Purdom at Robert.Purdom@mil.wa.gov.

REDNET/FIRECOM: Primarily used by fire departments and districts for coordinating operations between fire-fighting units. For further information and/or obtain authorization for its use contact the Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs (WSAFC).

NLEEC: Primarily used by law enforcement agencies for mutual operations. Also used by EMD for activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) relay network. For information and/or obtain authorization for its use contact the Washington State Patrol (WSP).

HEAR: Primarily used by ambulance services for administrative communications with hospitals.

MEDNET: Primarily used by ambulance services for communicating medical operations with hospitals while en route.