Search and Rescue and Emergency Worker Programs
Search and Rescue (SAR) in the State of Washington is governed primarily by the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) chapter 38.52. This law defines search and rescue, assigns responsibilities for SAR, establishes the position and duties of the state coordinator for SAR Operations (SAR coordinator), and establishes the extensive liability protection and compensation program which protects SAR volunteers in the State of Washington. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 118-04 implements the provisions of RCW 38.52 by establishing the procedures and qualifications for registration of "emergency workers" (volunteers) and explains how the compensation program is administered.
The responsibility for land search and rescue operations rests with the “local chief law enforcement officer” (usually the county sheriff). State law assigns responsibility for air search for downed or missing civil aircraft to the Department of Transportation, Aviation Division (RCW 47.68). Upon location of the downed aircraft the incident becomes a land SAR operation under the direction and control of the chief law enforcement officer in whose jurisdiction the incident site is located.
Local directors of emergency management coordinate support for SAR operations in their jurisdictions and register volunteers in accordance with WAC 118-04. The state SAR Coordinator is responsible for resource coordination, multi-jurisdiction operations coordination, and administration of the Emergency Worker Program. There are 900 to 1,000 SAR missions a year in the state.
When appropriate, the coordinator manages the state's role in Emergency Support Function (ESF) 9, Urban Search and Rescue (National Response Plan) and may activate the state’s Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) for operations coordination in large and/or multi-jurisdictional SAR missions. More information about the RCC is below.
Search and Rescue resources within the state come primarily from citizen volunteers, more than 5,000 strong, who cooperate with local law enforcement, giving of their time and personal resources to train and to search for and rescue lost and injured people.
The initial point of contact for local SAR coordinators or emergency management offices when requesting additional SAR mission resources is the State Emergency Operations Officer (SEOO). Authorization for the use of the statewide SAR, SAR2 and SAR3 frequencies can be viewed at SAR Frequency Authorization Letter (PDF).
Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)
Lessons learned from response operations in major disasters point to the need for the state to have the capability to coordinate massive search and rescue response operations during large scale events.
The Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) is an extension of the state Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activated in an emergency or disaster to support local search and rescue missions by coordinating the state, out-of-state, federal, and international search and rescue operations conducted in support of the incident.
As an extension of the state EOC, the RCC may be co-located or deployed to a location in proximity to the incident site. Requests for assistance from the jurisdiction(s) affected by the disaster will be received, processed, and prioritized. The RCC will coordinate the reception, staging, preparation for employment, and deployment to the scene of all state, out-of-state, and federal search and rescue resources responding to the disaster.
Emergency Worker Program
The Emergency Worker Program is a volunteer oriented program established by RCW 38.52.310. Emergency workers are provided liability, medical, and personal property coverage as well as reimbursement for some incidental expenses while deployed on state-approved incidents and training events. There are 18 classes or categories of emergency workers including Communications, Medical, and Search and Rescue. Full details on the program are contained in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) chapter 118-04.
Types of Mission Numbers
Per WAC 118-04-240, Mission Numbers are for “approved missions or other emergency actions.” Mission numbers shall not be applied for or assigned for activities which directly involve the search for, apprehension of, detention, or arrest of suspects or persons in the acts of committing or having committed a crime. Unplanned events requiring volunteer response.
Request from the Alert and Warning Center SEOOs via phone at 888-849-2727 or 800-258-5990.
Evidence Search
Per WAC 118-04-260, Evidence Search mission numbers are for the utilization of emergency workers to search for evidence that does not involve the search for, apprehension of, detention, or arrest of suspects or persons in the act of committing or who have committed a crime.
Request from the Alert and Warning Center SEOOs by filling out the “Evidence Search Mission Request Form” (below) and emailing the completed form to
Training Mission Number
Per WAC 118-04-280, Training Mission Numbers are for the purpose of developing, maintaining, or upgrading emergency worker skills for all types of emergency management activities. Training mission numbers can be requested for individual training events or for a series of routine, reoccurring training activities such as monthly training meetings or an established training program. Planned events with volunteer participation require a training mission number.
Request from SAR Program Manager by filling out the EMD-079 “Training Mission Request Form” (below) and emailing the completed form to at least 10 business days prior to the event.
Search and Rescue and Emergency Worker Forms
Emergency Worker Registration Card
Note: this card is in two files - in reverse order to facilitate back-to-back printing.
- EMD-024 Emergency Worker Registration Card "A" (PDF - 54.8 kb)
- EMD-024 Emergency Worker Registration Card "B" (PDF - 54.8 kb)
Emergency Worker Identification Card
Note: this card is also in two files - in reverse order to facilitate back-to-back printing.
- EMD-025 Emergency Worker Identification Card "A" (PDF - 85.4 kb)
- EMD-025 Emergency Worker Identification Card "B" (PDF - 85.4 kb)
Evidence Search Mission Request Form:
Mission and Training Forms:
- EMD-077 Search And Rescue Mission Data Sheet (PDF - 45.3 kb)
- EMD-078 Emergency Worker Daily Activity Report (PDF - 98.4 kb)
- EMD-079 Training Mission Request Form (PDF - 16.9 kb)
- EMD-079 Training Mission Request 2.0 (PDF)
- EMD-079 Training Mission Request 2.0 - Guide (PDF)
- Washington Helicopter Operations and Training Program (PDF)
Emergency Worker Claim Forms:
- EMD-036 Fuel, Toll & Ferry Reimbursable Expenses Claim Form (03/17) (PDF - 27 kb)
- EMD-084 Medical Expenses Claim Form (4/14) (PDF - 34 kb)
- EMD-086 Property Loss or Damage Claim Form (8/14) (PDF - 28kb)
- EMD-089 Extraordinary Expense Claim Form (04/16) (PDF - 44 kb)
Payee Registration:
For additional information, please contact Amy Allbritton, State Search and Rescue Program Manager at