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Flood Mitigation Assistance

Pre-application submissions close Sept. 27, 2024.

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This annually available program provides funds for cost-effective measures that reduce the risk of flood damage to structures that have flood insurance coverage. Grants are available for planning initiatives to update the flood hazard portion of an applicant’s hazard mitigation plan and for cost-effective flood mitigation projects.

FMA grants are dispersed through the reimbursement of eligible expenses and are based upon an established federal-local cost share of the given award. For mitigation activities not targeting severe repetitive loss (SRL) or repetitive loss (RL) structures, the cost share will be 75 percent federal funds and 25 percent local (non-federal) funds. For mitigation activities involving eligible SRL or RL properties, the cost shares are as follows:

  • SRL properties: 100 percent federal funds. No match requirement.
  • RL properties: 90 percent federal funds and 10 percent local (non-federal) funds.

For more information, visit FEMA’s FMA website or send your questions to our Hazard Mitigation Assistance all-staff e-mail address:


*Updated 8/22/2024* FMA Fiscal Year 2024
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will announce the opening of their application period for the FY2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program later this year. EMD is designated to administer and oversee these programs for the state, including the application process for all eligible entities with the state (Federally recognized Tribes may apply directly to FEMA or through WA EMD).

EMD has established a two-step process for FMA sub-applicants that starts with a pre-application followed by a full application. EMD’s process and timeline is designed to ensure we meet FEMA’s anticipated late-February 2025 deadline for the State, as applicant, to submit its complete package of sub-applications. All entities seeking grant consideration must follow the state’s submission process and deadlines, which are described below.

Application Timeline

No later than Friday, Sept. 27, 2024: EMD’s Mitigation Section will accept pre-application forms, which are available on its website and submitted to EMD via email to EMD will review the pre-applications for eligibility and contact potential sub-applicants to discuss their proposals.

EMD will invite eligible sub-applicants to submit full sub-applications in FEMA GO only after their pre-application has been submitted and EMD has contacted them to discuss the proposal’s eligibility. Sub-applicants who do not submit a pre-application form by Sept. 27, 2024, will not be eligible to submit full applications. Once invited to submit a full sub-application, jurisdictions are encouraged to submit early to receive technical assistance from EMD.

Development and Submission of a full FEMA GO Sub-Application

For sub-applicants who complete step one (pre-application) and who are invited to submit full applications, the deadline to submit a complete FEMA GO sub-application for EMD review will be Dec. 13, 2024. FEMA GO sub-application entry will not be accessible until after the NOFO release. Sub-applications submitted after the December 13 deadline will not be reviewed or submitted to FEMA for consideration.

Program Guidance

Pre-Application Documents

This short document provides EMD basic information about applicant eligibility, proposal eligibility, and overall suitability for HMGP. State EMD staff will review submitted pre-application forms and provide direct feedback to the applicant.

Pre-applications should be submitted to WA EMD via email at

BCA Toolkit

Technical support for the toolkit is provided by The FEMA BCA. The BCA Helpline’s hours are 6 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday. Email questions to or calling toll free at 1-855-540- 6744.

Fact Sheet and Tools

Grant and Subgrant selections

FMA Fiscal Year 2023 Selections
FEMA is forecasted to announce its selections for FY2023 FMA grants later this summer 2024. After selections, FEMA will conduct more in-depth reviews of the selected proposals (especially regarding environmental and historic preservation considerations) before issuing final awards. Grant award dates will vary, depending upon project complexity and FEMA’s internal review process for specific mitigation activities. For proposals that are not selected for further review under FY23 national competition, WA EMD will work with those interested in revising and resubmitting under FY2024 as requested.

Mitigation Staff Contact Information

Questions? Contact us at