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Officer/ Warrant Home Page

Washington Army National Guard

Commissioned Officer & Warrant Officer 


Interstate Transfers (IST) - Officers and Warrant Officers

The IST process for Officers and Enlisted personnel are different. If you are seeking to transfer states:

  • Enlisted Service Members: please reach out to the IST/ISR coordinator.
  • Officer Service Members: Please read below and work with the Officer Strength Management section in the incoming state. All outgoing IST actions need to be processed with the unit hierarchy and S1 channels in the outgoing state.

  • Step 1: You want to Transfer States
    • Find the OSM for the state or territory you wish to transfer to and work with them to secure a letter of acceptance for a position in the new state. Contact information for the WAARNG team is listed at the bottom of this page. 
    • Officers seeking positions outside the WAARNG can look up Recruiting and Retention Points of Contact across the 54 states and territories at the following milsuite site:
  • Step 2: Secure a Letter of Acceptance
    • Once you receive a letter of acceptance from your intended transfer state or territory you can request a transfer out of your current state through your S1 channels. 
  • Step 3: Request IST with outgoing State
    • Requests to IST will require a DA 4187 submitted to your leadership that will be processed through your chain of command until the State's G1 (or other authorized office) issues a conditional release memo (not to be confused with the conditional release, DD 368 which is for interservice or intercomponent transfers). 
    • Each state or territory will have their own outgoing checklist or processing requirements so engage with your leadership and S1 to ensure you are following all processes accurately and ask for regular updates on your packet processing. 
    • Most IST are delayed at the company through brigade levels because the Service Member did not turn in gear, close out evaluations, or complete required administrative processes. It is the Service Member's responsibility to ensure their packet is processed in a timely manner through their outgoing state/territory. 
  • Step 4: Transfer and Report to new State
    • Once you receive the conditional release from your current state you need to ensure the OSM or Strength Manager in the incoming state has a copy. 
    • You will then swear into your new state and sign an oath, via the NGB Form 337. 
    • The NGB 337 then needs to be routed to the G1 of the outgoing state to process the administrative transfer in IPPS-A. 

Interservice Recruit (ISR)

The ISR process for Officers and Enlisted personnel are different. If you are an enlisted Service Member seeking to transfer services or components please reach out to the IST/ISR coordinator. Officers seeking to transfer components or services will work with the Officer Strength Management section in the incoming States' National Guard and work with their unit hierarchy and S1 channels for transfer with their outgoing component or service.

Each component and service will have a unique process so please contact a representative in the OSM section to help with specific guidance. 

Regular Army to Washington Army National Guard

Personnel seeking to transfer from the Regular Army (Army Component 1) to the ARNG (Army Component 2) should consult with the OSM section but will eventually have to work through their respective Reserve Component Career Counselor (RCCC) or sometimes referred to as the Reserve Office Career Counselors (ROCC) to process any transfers. A list with their locations and points of contact are linked in the forms section below. 

Part-time vs. Full-time Service 
Personnel seeking transfer to the WAARNG will work with the OSM section for the transfer of component or service into a unit assignment within the WAARNG. No positions in the ARNG are listed as part-time or full-time. Full-time personnel occupy an individual status in the ARNG that falls into several groups/categories, (AGR, FTNGD, Mil Tech, Civ Tech, etc.). All permanent full-time assignments/opportunities are publicly announced and hired through a competitive boarding and interview process. Please reference our jobs posting at the following link for currently available jobs:


Contact Information:

--Officer IST (non-Aviation)--

CPT Brett Busch
Officer Strength Manager
SRC, Spokane, WA
☎ Office: (253) 512-1400
☎ Mobile Gov: (253) 468-3712

--Warrant Officer IST (& Aviation Officers)--

CW3 Bridget Eidson
Warrant Officer Strength Manager
Bldg 6224, JBLM, WA 98433
☎ Office: (253) 912-3145
☎ Mobile Gov: (253) 279-7119