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Washington Army National Guard 

Officer Candidate School (OCS)

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In the Washington Army National Guard

OCS is one of four paths to become a commissioned Officer in the Army. Applying for OCS in the WAARNG is open to civilians, transitioning active-duty enlisted, transitioning USAR enlisted, and National Guard Soldiers who meet the application requirements. OCS offers the intense military tactical training you need to become an Officer, while also preparing you for careers in fields like engineering, finance, mechanics, communications, and more. When you graduate OCS as a commissioned Officer, expect to be ready to lead WAARNG Soldiers in any situation, no matter the environment, and no matter the stakes. Army National Guard Soldiers can attend training in a reserve component model over drill weekends and annual training periods in the Traditional OCS program run by the 2-205th Regiment (RTI) on Camp Murray, WA. Some Soldiers seeking OCS will attend the Federal OCS program and a limited pool of select applicants will be scheduled for an Accelerated OCS program run by National Guard in Alabama and South Dakota. Reach out to the Basis Branch of OSM to learn more. 


  • Army GT Score of 110 (No Waivers)
  • US Citizenship (No Waivers)
  • College Education
    • Traditional OCS: 90 credits toward degree completion with an approved degree completion plan (No Waivers)
    • Federal OCS: Bachelor degree awarded from an accredited university (No Waivers)
  • Age
    • Traditional OCS 
      • Prior Service: Must commission before 42nd birthday (No Waivers)
      • Non-Prior Service: Must contract for O9S prior to 36th birthday 
    • Federal OCS: Must commission before 34th birthday 
  • Security Clearance: 
    • Eligible: Secret Clearance or higher to enlist (No Waivers)
    • Final: Secret Clearance or higher before starting OCS training (No Waivers)
  • Applicants must meet Army height and weight standards in accordance with AR 600-9 
  • Applicants must pass the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT); without any restrictions or alternate events
  • Applicants must pass a Chapter 2, Commissioning Physical in accordance with AR 40-501, DA PAM 40-502, and DoDI 6130.03 volume 1
  • *There are other requirements depending on the route and status of each applicant. Contact OSM for more details

Process Overview

Civilians Interested in OCS: Contact the OSM to inquire about OCS 

Currently Serving Personnel (non-WAARNG): Contact the OSM to inquire about OCS

Currently Serving Personnel (in the WAARNG): 

Members currently serving in the Washington Army National Guard will have a four-step selection process for OCS. Before any steps are completed interested Service Members should contact the Basic Branch of OSM to discuss OCS and the process. 

  • Prescreening - Service Member
    • Service members consult with OSM to ensure they meet basic commissioning requirements
    • Service members confirm they are committed to the Officer Candidate career choice 
    • Service member drafts/completes OCS application packet
  • Selection - Unit Commanders 
    • Service members secure support of their Company Commander on RTI Form 351a (in application packet)
    • Service member secures support of their Battalion Commander on RTI Form 351a (in application packet)
    • Service members submits packet to the Basic Branch, OSM
  • Selection - Officer Strength Manager
    • The Officer Strength Manager is the approval authority for OCS selection. Packets are generally approved as long as the service member meets all policy and regulatory requirements, has the support of their leadership and completes all tasks as required by the OSM for processing of the application packet. 
  • Selection for OCS Route - OCS Commander 2-205th 
    • The Commander of the OCS Program controls which OCS course each applicant is eligible to attend. Requests for Federal OCS or Accelerated OCS will be handled by the RTI following inprocessing to Zero Phase (Pre-OCS). 

Forms - WAARNG Applicants

OCS Training Schedule

  • Federal OCS: Various Dates
  • Traditional (State) OCS: Table Below
    • IDT = Drill Weekend
    • AT = Annual Training
Course: Traditional OCS
Pre-OCS (option 1)(IDT)
24 February 24 - 09 June 24 
(Leads to Phase I starting in 2024)
Pre-OCS (option 2)(IDT)

10 August 24 - 15 December 24 

(Leads to Phase I starting in 2025 or AOCS)

Phase I(AT)
14 July 24 - 27 July 24
Phase II(IDT)
02 August 24 - 13 July 25
Phase III(AT)
19 July 25 - 02 August 25
September 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend Accelerated (State) OCS in the WAARNG?

The WAARNG will send select personnel to Accelerated OCS at both the South Dakota and Alabama Military Academies. Selection for Accelerated OCS is made by the OCS Commander at the 2-205th REG (RTI) during Zero Phase of OCS. The primary pool of applicants selected for AOCS are prior enlisted NCOs with high scoring ACFT and demonstrated competency in land navigation. Reach out to the Basic Branch of OSM for more specific guidance on this training pipeline.

Are age waivers considered for Officer Candidate School?

Age waivers can be given for unique cases by the Adjutant General (TAG) of Washington for State OCS and by the National Guard Bureau (NGB) for Federal OCS. 

Can I pick my officer job before attending OCS? 

The WAARNG issues branching and job assignments following the completion of OCS. Applicants are provided a request form so the WAARNG knows the interest of each Officer Candidate as well as any unique skills that support the assignment into specific fields. The WAARNG takes a holistic approach to branching that matches candidate interests while also meeting the needs of the State. 

Can I skip OCS and direct commission if I have unique skills? 

The WAARNG does approve direct commissions on a very selective basis. The Army publishes guidance on direct commissioning opportunities on their Talent Management website: Contact the Basic Branch of OSM to discuss your particular case to determine if your advanced skills meet one of our critical vacancies.

Contact Us

Address: Building 6224 2nd Division Drive, JBLM, Washington 98433


Basic Branch Work Cell for CPT Sumayang: (253) 339-1501

Basic Branch Work Cell for CPT Busch: (253) 468-3712

Office of Strength Management Office Line: (253) 512-1400

or fill out form below and submit: