Washington Army National Guard
Army Medical Department (AMEDD)
Interservice Physician Assistant Program (Fiscal Year 2024)(CLOSED for FY24)
***Fiscal Year 2024 Application Period is Closed. Please pay attention to this website for Fiscal Year 2025's announcement with updated application timelines and requirements. Reach out to the Specialty Branch Personnel with any questions***
The Interservice Physician Assistance Program (IPAP) provides selected personnel the opportunity to attend military training to become a Military healthcare professional certified to practice medicine with physician supervision. A Physician Assistant is the Army's primary medical provider from the battalion through division levels. Selected personnel will attend full-time training at Joint Base San Antonio for 64 weeks and then an additional 52 weeks at various other bases around the country. Graduates of the program will receive a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Nebraska at the end of phase 1, a Master's Degree in Physician Assistant Studies from the University of Nebraska up completion of the 29 month program.
- Application window: 1 October 2023 through 1 March 2024
- IPAP Board: June 2024
- IPAP Results Release: July 2024
- Classes Start: January, April and August 2025 (**Note the January 2025 class reports to Fort Sam Houston, Texas in November 2024)
- Minimum 60 Semester Hours (SH) of college course work.
- 30 SH can be any classes or credit for military training (ex. JST transcripts)
- Enlisted applicants must submit their official JST to the University of Nebraska
- The following 30 Semester Hours (SH) must be in residence with an accredited institution classroom or online course.
- A letter grade of C or better must be obtained. (C- or lower will not count)
- 6 hours of English (3 SH writing/composition) - CLEP is authorized.
- 6 hours of Humanities - Any government, history, foreign language, art, social science and religion
- 3 hours of Psychology - Any type, introductory courses WILL count
- 6 hours of Chemistry (courses completed Fall 2017 and after)
- Must be General Chemistry or higher
- Introduction to Chemistry will NOT count.
- Must be within 8 years of starting school, recommend within 5 years and lab is not required but highly recommended.
- 3 hours of Human Anatomy (courses completed Fall 2017 and after)
- This can be a combined Anatomy & Physiology I class.
- Must be within 8 years of starting school, recommend within 5 years and lab is not required but highly recommended.
- 3 hours of Human Physiology (courses completed Fall 2017 and after)
- This can be a combined Anatomy & Physiology II class.
- Must be within 8 years of starting school, recommend within 5 years and lab is not required but highly recommended.
- 3 hours of College Algebra or higher math – Statistics will NOT count, Intro or Intermediate algebra will NOT count.
- Medical Terminology course within 5 years (Fall 2020 and after) – can take on ALMS (Search Basic Medical Technology)
- There is no waiver available for these required courses.
- There is no grade replacement. This means if you repeated a class both grades will be included in the GPA calculation. The better grade will not replace the lower grade.
- A Minimum Science GPA of 3.0 is required in all sciences
- The Science Courses included in the Science GPA will be those completed within 8 years of the start of IPAP (Fall 2017 and after).
- See the link to the right under Additional Resources for a list of eligible Science Courses.
- A Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- Applicants must meet GPA requirements by application deadline 1 March 2024. Coursework completed after 1 March 2024 will NOT count toward the GPA.
- There is no waiver available for GPA requirements.
- There is NO grade replacement for FY24 Applicants. This means if you repeated a class both grades will be included in the GPA calculation. The better grade will not replace the lower grade.
- The University of Nebraska will do the GPA calculations for us after the application deadline.
- If you want to calculate your GPA early you are welcome to find a GPA calculator online, or you can use the one available in the IPAP online application Help Center:
SAT Requirement
- SAT required within 5 years of application (1 March 2019 or after)
- Minimum score of 450 in reading and math
- Minimum cumulative score of 1000 is required in the reading and math sections.
- The last SAT test date available for the FY24 application cycle is 9 March. Allow 8 weeks for the College Board to grade your exam.
- Enter code “3994” on SAT test form.
- USAREC MUST receive your official scores for your packet to board.
PA-CAT (Physician Assistant College Admissions Test)
- All Applicants must submit scores by selecting US Army Reserves, US Army Active Duty or US Army National Guard when completing registration
- No minimum score requirement
- Take the PA-CAT by application deadline of 1 March 2024
- The PA-CAT website offers a virtual option for testing when you register
- Exam Master has been added to Army COOL so Credentialing Assistance (CA) Funds can be used to pay for the PA-CAT.
- You will need to be eligible for CA funds use and submit a request for funds.
- Funds will not reimburse you for a test you have already registered and/or paid for.
- PA-CAT Funds Request Instructions
- Exam Master has also started a PA-CAT Financial Assistance Program. Information is available at: https://exammaster.aweb.page/f...
Washington Army National Guard Soldiers interested in the IPAP should contact the Specialty Branch of the Officer Strength Management team.
Specialty Branch - Officer Strength Management
Bldg 81, Camp Murray, Tacoma, WA 98430
Office: (253) 912-3135
Mobile Gov: (253) 442-4348
Mobile Gov: (253) 339-1635
Distro: ng.wa.waarng.mbx.rrb-osm-specialty@army.mil
- 1- ARNG Application Checklist FY23.pdf
- 2 - Sample CV.docx
- 2 - Sample CV.pdf
- 3 - UF 601-37_44 Academic worksheet.pdf
- 4 - Academic Delay memo example FY23.pdf
- 5 - USAREC Form 601-37_11.pdf
- 6 - DA 160.pdf
- 7 - MILPO statement example.pdf
- 8 - Security Clearance MFR Example for IPAP.docx
- 8 - Security Clearance MFR Example for IPAP.pdf
- 9 - Officer Application Memo.docx
- 9 - Officer Application Memo.pdf
- 10 - Warrant Officer Application Memo.docx
- 10 - Warrant Officer Application Memo.pdf
- 11 - Enlisted Application Memo.docx
- 11 - Enlisted Application Memo.pdf
- 12 - Tab Samples.pdf
***The deadline for all Completed IPAP packets is March 1st, 2024***
***Early Submission HIGHLY suggested!! Additional Documents Likely Required***