205th Regiment (Leadership)
"Victory Through Leadership"
The 205th Regiment (Leadership) provides military occupational specialty training for certain skills and develops the future leaders of the Washington Army National Guard. The Officer Candidate School and Warrant Officer Candidate School programs are provided by elements of the 205th Regiment.
205th Training Regiment Chain of Command
Commander – Col. Adam Rodgers
Command Sergeant Major – CSM Alton Huckaby
1st Battalion Commander - LTC Scott Adair
2nd Battalion Commander - LTC Nick Zaharevic
The 205th Regiment is one of the Nation’s top Regional Training Institutions (RTI’s) as validated during the 2014 TRADOC accreditation. Post accreditation, the 205th was awarded the coveted title of “Institution of Excellence”; an achievement normally reserved for the top 5% of RTI’s in the country. 1st BN, 205th played an integral role in this achievement through versatility in training.
Currently, 1st BN teaches the following courses listed below:
- Master Fitness Trainer Course: To train selected Noncommissioned Officers and Commissioned Officers in all aspects of Army’s Physical Readiness Training System. This will enable them to perform as unit advisors to their commanders on physical readiness as well as establish and monitor both unit and individual Physical Readiness Training Programs. We are capable of training 40 Students per month for both Active Duty and Reserve Soldiers. 1st BN 205th is one of 4 units nationwide who is certified to conduct this training.
- 88M10 MOS-T courses: The course includes training on, introduction and utilization of current Army transportation vehicles, convoy operations as well as securing and transportation of loads. 88M Instructors teach operators on a multitude of Army platforms during the 2 phased 30 day course. 1st BN has been recognized and known for implementing the highest amount of drive time per platform in the nation logging over 500 miles per course.
- 92Y10 MOS-T: During the MOS 92Y course the following subjects will be covered; weapons, area and equipment management, equipment request procedures and modern acquisition process. These skills will enable these Soldiers in becoming outstanding logisticians in various units. The 92Y10 courses is a 2 phased course spanning over the course of 30 days.
- Tactical Certification Course: The course includes training on, Army Doctrine (As outlined in ADP 3-0 and ADP 3-90) and foundations for tactical planning and execution to include Army Operations, Troop Leading Procedures, Operations order, Operational Terms/Symbols, The Defense, and The Offense. This training will ensure standardization of tactical doctrine for infantry instructors, leaders and other combat arms trainers.
- Small Group Instructor Training Course (SGITC): SGITC is designed to train and certify military instructors on small group instruction methodology. The course presents exercises and conferences designed to have students experience firsthand how groups react and interact to a variety of situations and SGI methodologies.
- Army Basic Instructor Course (ABIC): ABIC is designed to train and certify personnel as Army instructors. This course covers adult communications and learning theories, training session development concepts, instructor methodologies and definitions. For both ABIC and SGITC, we train and certify both the Active and Reserve components.
- Company Commanders/1SG Course: Designed to familiarize the Officer and NCO with the requirements of command, the resources available to assist Commanders and First Sergeants in accomplishing their mission and to assist the Officer and NCO in developing a network with other unit commanders to enhance team building, communication and an exchange of new ideas and information.