56th Theater Information Operations Group |
As a major subordinate command of the Washington Army National Guard, the 56th TIOG maintains a capacity to support local, state, national and international partnerships, domestic operations, and federal missions. The 56th TIOG trains and maintains their unique capabilities through complex, multi-domain combined arms exercises and active missions. By leveraging more than two decades of operational experience, the 56th TIOG will continue to be a strategically aligned partner in the USINDOPACOM AOR, planning, exercising, and conducting operations in the physical and information environments.
Federal Mission: The 56th Theater IO Group deploys modular teams globally to provide IO planning, synchronization, execution, and assessment capabilities to designated Army Service Component Commanders to support the employment of information as an element of combat power across the range of military operations.
State Mission: The 56th Theater IO Group deploys tailorable, trained, and validated force packages to meet the Adjutant General’s and Combatant Commanders’ requirements in support of State and Federal operations.
56th Theater Information Operations Group Command Team
Col. Casey De Groof Commander | CSM Tom Wickesser Command Sergeant Major |
56th Theater Information Operations Group Units
156th Information Operations Battalion
110th Information Operations BN (Maryland)
341st Military Intelligence Battalion
A Co. 1-19th Special Forces Group
Special Operations Detachment - Pacific
122nd Theater Public Affairs Support Element
Additional Resources
2023 56th Theater Information Operations Group Annual Report
History of the 56th Theater Information Operations Group