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Contact Joint Services Support

Feel free to email the JSS leadership at with any questions, comments, concerns, praise or suggestions.

Printable quick reference contact list

Joint Services Support Director
Carl Steele
253-512-7600 | 253-606-9271

State Family Program Director

CH Joseph Ellefson

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)

SARC: (253) 512-1365

24/7 Hotline (253) 307-6483

Victim Advocate (253) 512-7881

DoD Safe Helpline

(24/7) 1-877-995-5247

Resilience, Risk, Reduction, Suicide Prevention (R3SP)

(253) 512-1342 Cell: (360) 241-9921

(253) 512-1357

24/7 Assistance : (253) 318-9827 for Psychological Health

Psychological Health Coordinators- Army

West: (253) 512-8783 Cell: (253) 273-1769

West: (253) 512-1358 East: (509) 910-3125

Director of Psychological Health - Air

West: (253) 512-2048 Cell: (253) 905-4620

East: (509) 247-7087 Cell: (509) 979-0051

Alcohol / Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator

Camp Murray: (253) 512-8394 Cell: (253) 212-6285

Work For Warriors (WFW)

Camp Murray: (253) 512-8727 or (253) 512-1351

JBLM:(253) 912-3161

Vancouver: (360) 604-7320

Spokane:(509) 532-2795

Moses Lake: (509) 762-3766

Kent: (253) 945-1821

Master Resiliency Training (MRT) Program

Camp Murray: (253) 512-1341

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)

State: 1-877-306-1971

National: 1-800-336-4590


Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA)

Camp Murray: (253) 512-8722

Lead Military and Family Readiness Specialist:

Camp Murray (253) 512-7869

Cell: (253) 355-5124

Military and Family Readiness Specialists:

For emergency assistance call 1-800-364-7492

Olympia: (360) 704-6707 Cell: (360) 628-7195

Marysville: (360) 436-2423 Cell: (253) 355-6388

Bremerton: (360) 473-2411 Cell: (253) 355-5875

Yakima: (509) 469-4638 Cell: (509) 844-4059

Spokane: (509) 532-2775 Cell: (509) 360-0701

Kent: (253) 945-1876 Cell: (253) 327-3498

Vancouver: (360) 604-7303 Cell: (253) 355-6239

Camp Murray: (253) 512-8367 Cell: (253) 254-1906

PCRC: (253) 512-1350

Child & Youth Services (CYS)

Camp Murray (253) 512-7985 Cell: (253) 548-4942

(Lead) (253) 512-1356 Cell: (509) 464-9392

Airmen & Family Readiness Program Manager

Camp Murray: (253) 512-3397

Fairchild AFB: (509) 247-7009

Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)

Camp Murray: (253) 512-8756 Cell: (253) 202-0982

Spokane: (509) 247-7898 Cell: (253) 376-1889

Personal Financial Counselors (PFC)

Camp Murray: (253) 512-7753 Cell: (253) 242-0721

Camp Murray: (253) 307-6647

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP)

(Army) (253) 512-1355

(Air) (253) 512-3259

Military OneSource (MOS)

Camp Murray: (253) 303-2751
