Army National Guard Trial Defense Service
Full-Time Support Team
TDS attorneys are military officers and members of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps. These men and women are practicing defense lawyers who graduated from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association and are licensed to practice law. To ensure objectivity and fairness, TDS attorneys are completely independent from local commands and their legal advisors. They are supervised and rated by their superiors within TDS.
Trial Defense Service provides conflict-free legal services to Soldiers who are facing adverse criminal or administrative actions at no cost to the soldier. We provide legal consultations for the following:
- Adverse Administrative Actions
- Suspect Rights – including 15-6 investigations, commanders inquiries and other military investigations
We will put you in contact with your state Defense Counsel for the following:
- Representation at Administrative Boards
- Article 15 Consultations
- Appeals of Adverse Actions to State Separation Authority
Please contact us as soon as you’re aware of a problem.
We will need the time to properly advise you.
To speak to a TDS attorney, please call to schedule a consultation.
(703) 601-2214
E-mail: ng.ncr.ngb-arng.mbx.tds-fts@army.mil
If no
reply, please leave a message with your contact information and your call will
be returned - usually within 48 hours or less
If you do not reach the POC immediately, please leave a message and/or send the POC an email. Please allow two business days for your call or email to be returned. In the unlikely event you do not hear from anyone after two business days please contact the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate by emailing ng.wa.waarng.list.jag@mail.mil or calling (253) 512-8353 or (253) 512-8262.