Gov. Jay Inslee recently signed two pieces of legislation allowing Guards members to stay overnight in Armories and mandating all state agencies develop continuity of operation plans, both of which were top priorities of Major General Bret D. Daugherty, T read more

If you walk up to the 50 series of buildings on Camp Murray, you will see a few small office buildings and an old chow hall – nothing that immediately stands out. But if you take a close look, you'll find a monument with the words, "Refugee Day," celebrat read more

With all eyes on the devastation in Nepal, Washington Emergency Management Division officials are reminding the public that earthquake dangers are just as probable here. Two significant earthquakes rocked the Puget Sound both coincidentally have annivers read more

Emergency Management Advisory Group wants to develop a common, statewide resource ordering system for emergency management. Resource ordering became an issue during the response to the SR 530 landslide. read more

More than 100 stakeholders across the public and private sectors came together on April 7 for a cybersecurity seminar and tabletop exercise to discuss worst case scenarios. read more