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Snohomish earthquake should be a wake up call

Our early morning tremblor in Snohomish County is a solid reminder that we live in earthquake country.

We’re fortunate this morning’s quake caused minimal damage. We might not be so lucky the next time. Let’s use this morning’s event as a reminder about the need to be personally prepared.

Today, we released a video we’ve been working with IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). This is an animated version of our earthquake infographic. It’s timely and shows best practices on how to handle an earthquake – whether you’re on the coast and need to head to high ground or in a high rise.

We encourage you to make sure you have food, water and medication at home so you and your family can get by on your own for a while. We suggest you have enough for 2 weeks. If that’s out of reach – go ahead and start smaller. Something is better than nothing.

Please also review and refine your family’s communication plan. Make sure you know how you’ll get in touch and reunite with loved ones following a disaster.

We have plenty of help at

Thousands of people have reported to the U.S. Geological Service that they felt the earthquake. If you felt it, help USGS by reporting what you felt here.

If you did feel it, and you stayed in bed, that's a good thing! Staying in bed is OK! Otherwise, remember drop, cover & hold on is the way to go -- even if you have a wheelchair or a walker.

Did you freeze today during the earthquake because you weren’t sure what to do? That’s why we do the Great ShakeOut to build muscle memory. Drop, cover & hold on with us at 10:17am, Oct. 17. It could save your life one day. #SeattleQuake

If you’re worried about your building check out this database of unreinforced masonry buildings by the state Department of Commerce.

Worried about your house? The state Office of the Insurance Commissioner has earthquake insurance tips.

We also encourage you to secure your home by making sure bookshelves are secure and heavy frames are moved away from your bed. Here’s a guide to help.