ShakeOut participants top 1 million again

Contact: Maximilian Dixon, Earthquake Program Manager
Phone: (253) 512-7017.
Contact: Steven Friederich, Public Information Officer
Phone: (253) 344-0253
Fourth year in a row: 1 million sign up to ShakeOut
With just shy of 1.2 million registered, more Washington residents have signed up for this year’s Great Washington ShakeOut than any year before. For the fourth year in a row, more than 1 million Washington residents have signed up to practice their earthquake readiness during the annual Great Washington ShakeOut drill at 10:19 a.m. on Oct. 19.
Many more will likely participate. People and organizations can sign up to participate at Registration isn’t required, but helps us tally up how many are participating.
Gov. Jay Inslee has declared October Disaster Preparedness Month and called on Washingtonians to participate in the Great Washington ShakeOut. If residents are busy on Oct. 19, find a time when it works best for them.
“I want our residents to be two weeks ready,” Inslee said. “As we’ve seen from the earthquake in Mexico and even the hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico, having an emergency kit is essential for survival. We’re working to get our state more prepared, and we want to make sure residents are ready to do their part, too.”
Chris Reykdal, the state superintendent of public instruction, will join students in the White River School District in Buckley for their drill and will talk emergency preparedness with school leaders. More than 700,000 students, teachers and school staff have signed up for the annual ShakeOut event.
In addition, tsunami alert sirens will be tested on Oct. 19 at 10:19 a.m. using the real sound of the siren, not the Westminster Chimes that typically happen during the monthly tests. NOAA weather radios set to receive the required monthly test will also activate during this test. The tests will happen across every coastal community in the state, except for Sandy Point in Whatcom County, which has opted out of the test. The state works with local jurisdictions to install the All Hazard Alert Broadcast sirens on the coast. Five new sirens are being installed this month in Seabrook, Ocean Shores, Bellingham, Port of Chinook and Raymond bringing the total number of coastal sirens to 69.
Question and Answer sessions with earthquake experts will be done using Facebook Live and Washington Emergency Management’s Nextdoor account next week in the days before ShakeOut. On Oct. 19, from noon to 2 p.m., earthquake preparedness experts from the Washington Emergency Management Division will join scientists with the Washington Department of Natural Resources and the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network to gather online for a Reddit Ask Me Anything – an online Q&A. The public is invited to ask questions at
We also encourage participants to take photos of themselves participating in the drill and post those photos to social media using the hashtag #ShakeOut or tag our Twitter account at @waShakeOut.
For media interested in covering the Great Washington ShakeOut, a number of schools will make themselves available. The ShakeOut begins at 10:19 a.m. on Oct. 19.
Earthquake preparedness experts are also available for interviews in the days before ShakeOut.
IN BUCKLEY : Join Chris Reykdal, State Superintendent of Public Schools, during the ShakeOut drills at Mountain Meadow Elementary, 11812 Mundy Loss Rd East, Buckley WA. Reykdal will be available for media interviews following the exercise. Contact Nathan Olson for more information at (360) 725-6015 or
IN SEATTLE: Seattle Public Schools will make Genesee Hill Elementary at 5013 SW Dakota Street, Seattle available as youth practice their drop, cover and hold on skills. Contact Kim Schmanke at (206) 252-0203 or for more information.
IN TACOMA: Franklin Pierce School District will conduct a formal media event at request of media. Contact Katie Gillespie of Franklin Pierce School District at (253) 298-3010 or for more information.
IN BREMERTON: For media interested in video or photos before or during ShakeOut, the Washington Youth Academy in Bremerton will make itself available to have its students practice earthquake safety in advance of Oct. 19 or on that day. Contact Director Larry Pierce at (360) 473-2609 or
Other media outlets across Central, Southwest and Eastern Washington can customize their coverage and find local residents, businesses and schools participating through a searchable registry on the website:
Preparedness tips are available here:
Tips in Spanish: